Global Star Capital founder Rich Cocovich is meeting with new clients this week in Madrid and Cordoba Spain in two biotech projects who have fully engaged or company’s private funding expertise. #richcocovichworldtravels #globalstarcapital #globalstarcapitalinfo #cocovich #globalstarcapitalreviews #richcocovichreviews
Global Star Capital founder Rich Cocovich has concluded very productive client meetings this week in the Milwaukee Wisconsin metro area in the Medical Imaging Sector with famed physician Dr. Sra. Since 1991, Cocovich and Global Star Capital have assisted project principals in 126 countries and all 50 American states with their private project funding needs. Over $30 Billion USD awaits the projects Cocovich represents from private entities worldwide. Our protocol is mandatory and non-negotiable. If you are a solvent and prepared project principal who understands that high end expertise is not free, not contingent, not commission based, not pro-bono and/or not “wrapped into a closing” then you are welcome to apply at our main website beginning in the our process section. We are not brokers. We are experts with decades of experience in the private funding industry.
#globalstarcapital #richcocovich #globalstarcapitalreviews #richcocovichreviews #privateequity #privatefunding #privatefinance #projectfunding #capitalraising #equityinvesting #equityfunding
Private investors meet with Global Star Capital clients on Hilton Head Island South Carolina1/10/2023
Yesterday, Global Star Capital founder Rich Cocovich brought new project principal clients and investor facilitators together on beautiful Hilton Head Island SC near his home. Since 1991, Global Star Capital has assisted clients in 126 countries and all 50 American States by bridging the gap between high net worth private investors and the needs of any project sector. Over $30 Billion USD readily awaits our clients from investors who cannot be reached without our expertise. We are not brokers. We are experts with a proven 30+ year mandatory and highly sought after protocol. If you are a solvent and prepared project principal who understands that high end expertise is not free, not contingent, not commission based, not pro-bono and not “wrapped into a closing then you are welcome to apply at the main company website beginning in the Our Process section.
#globalstarcapital #globalstarcapitalreviews #richcocovich #richcocovichreviews #equityinvesting #equityfunding #projectfunding #capitalraising #cocovich #projectfunding #privateequity #privatefunding Global Star Capital founder Rich Cocovich recently met with a new auto industry client in Pennsylvania USA on a $5 million high tech and service project. Since 1991, Global Star Capital and Cocovich have aligned private funding avenues for our clients in 126 countries and all 50 American States. Over $30 Billion USD in readily available to our clients from private investors through their facilitators. Our protocol is etched in stone and is non-negotiable. If you are a solvent and prepared project principal who understands that high end expertise is not free, not commission based, not contingent, not pro-bono and not “wrapped into a closing” then you are welcome to apply at our main company website beginning in the Our Process section. Our protocol and services have been engaged by governments, corporations and individuals in every sector.
#richcocovich #richcocovichreviews #globalstarcapital #globalstarcapitalreviews #capitalraising #privateequity #privatefunding #projectfunding #equityinvesting #equityfunding #cocovich This week Global Star Capital founder Rich Cocovich aligned clients in Michigan USA with investors/facilitators of capital for their $15 million USD agriculture expansion project, which was done in less than two weeks. We are the top experts in private funding with clients in 126 countries and all 50 states in America since 1991. Over $30 Billion USD awaits the projects we represent from private investors world wide. These are investors that cannot be reached without our expertise. Our protocol and fee structure is etched in stone and is not negotiable. Simply put, if a project wants the top representation and results, then they must follow the protocol. If you are a solvent and prepared project principal who understands that high end expertise is not free, not contingent, not commission based, not “wrapped into a closing” and not paid as a part of “equity”, then you are welcome to apply at the main company website beginning in the OUR PROCESS section. A mandatory face to face step with our founder in the protocol assures principals of professionalism and full fledge movement on the project. We reject over 1000 projects a year and offer services only to the project principals who are qualified and follow our protocol. If you are a high net worth investor or certified family office private funds manager who would like the top level representation exploring projects worldwide, we will do so under contract.
#richcocovich #richcocovichreviews #globalstarcapital #globalstarcapitalreviews #cocovich #projectfinance #projectfunding #equityfunding #privateequity #privatefunding #capitalraising #equityinvesting Global Star Capital founder Rich Cocovich is as hot of a commodity in the world of private funding as there has ever been. Just recently he has met with clients in New Jersey, Florida and Pennsylvania USA all during the last 10 days. New European and African clients are on the near horizon. Since 1991, Cocovich and Global Star Capital have assisted clients in 126 countries and all 50 states in America with their private funding project needs. Over $30 Billion USD readily awaits the projects we represent from private investors and their facilitators. We are experts. We are not brokers. Our protocol is etched in stone. If you are a solvent and prepared project principal who understands that high end expertise is not free, is not commission based, is not “wrapped into a closing”, is not pro-bono and is not contingent then you are welcome to apply for our expertise at the main company website beginning in the Our Process section. We have assisted governments, corporations, partnerships and individuals who have all followed our protocol perfectly.
#richcocovich #richcocovichreviews #globalstarcapital #globalstarcapitalreviews #privatefunding #projectfunding #equityfunding #capitalraising #privateequity A great round of private investor meetings along with client project presentations held in Minneapolis Minnesota are now completed. Projects in the medical, agriculture and biofuel sectors totaling $125 Million were solidified for investments. Since 1991, Global Star Capital and founder Rich Cocovich have aligned our clients with private investors in 126 countries and all 50 states in America. We are experts in private funding. We are not brokers. If you are a solvent and prepared project principal who understands that high end expertise is not free, not commission based, not contingent, not pro-bono and not “wrapped in a closing”, then you are welcome to apply for our expertise at the main company website, beginning in the Our Process section. Over $30 Billion USD awaits the projects we represent from private investors and their facilitators. Our protocol requires a mandatory face to face meeting with our founder. Governments, corporations, partnerships and individuals worldwide have all engaged our expertise while following our protocol step by step.
#richcocovich #richcocovichreviews #globalstarcapital #globalstarcapitalreviews #projectfinance #projectfunding #equityinvesting #equityfunding #privateequity #privateequityfunding #privatefunding #capitalraising Global Star Capital founder Rich Cocovich has met with new project principals in Lafayette Louisiana on a $10 Million business expansion project in the automobile servicing and detailing sector. Since 1991, Cocovich and Global Star Capital have assisted clients in 126 countries and all 50 American states with acquiring private funding. We are not brokers. We are experts. Our proven protocol is etched in stone and a requirement of all private avenues of funding. Over $30 Billion USD readily awaits the projects and principals we represent. If you are a solvent and prepared project principal who understands that high end expertise is not free, not contingent, not commission based and not “wrapped in a closing”, then you are welcome to apply at our main website beginning in the Our Process section. Within 7 days of meeting our founder in person, green lights from facilitators of private funding capital will occur.
#richcocovich #globalstarcapital #cocovich #privatefunding #capitalraising #equityfunding #globalstarcapitalreviews #richcocovichreviews #projectfunding New project principals in Rome Italy have engaged the expertise of Global Star Capital and founder Rich Cocovich on a €66 Million hospitality sector project. Since 1991, Cocovich has met face to face with all clients in 126 countries and all 50 States In America. Over $30 Billion USD is readily available from private investors worldwide under our protocol which is etched in stone. If you are a solvent and prepared project principal who understands that high end expertise is not contingent, not free, not commission based and not pro-bono, then you are welcome to apply at our main company website beginning in the Our Process section. Our protocol is proven and our expertise has been engaged by world governments, corporations and individuals. #globalstarcapital #richcocovich #cocovich #richardcocovich #privatefunding #equity #equityfunding #projectfunding #cocovichrome #richcocovichrome #cocovichtravels #gsctravels
Global Star Capital founder Rich Cocovich recently met with new project principal clients in Coeur d’Alene Idaho who fully engaged our expertise in aligning private capital and equity funding. The $82 Million USD project is a hotel and resort acquisition/renovation. Since 1991, Cocovich and Global Star Capital have assisted project principals in 126 countries and all 50 states in America by aligning wealthy private investors and their facilitators, essentially bridging the gap between the two. We are not brokers. We are experts. If you are a solvent and prepared project principal who understands that high end expertise is not contingent, not free and not commission based then you are welcome to apply at our main company website beginning in the Our Process section. We are a professional fee based company with an etched in stone protocol. We have been engaged under contract by world governments, corporations, partnerships and individuals for three decades. Over $30 Billion USD from private investors is readily available to the projects and clients we represent. Our expertise is unmatched. #globalstarcapital #globalstarcapitalreviews #richcocovich #richcocovichreviews #funding #capitalraising #privatefunding #projectfunding #cocovich #investors |
AuthorRich Cocovich launched Global Star Capital in 1991 with a vision and $15 in his pocket. Today, the company services clients in search of private investment capital in 120 countries and all USA states. Cocovich is considered to be the top intermediary and consultant in private funding. Project principals flock to engage his services because of the crystal clear approach he brings to a project. Archives
February 2019